Alexander Pucher
Founding Engineer
Solving complexity in distributed computer systems arising from large scale and diverse environments.
Founding Engineer, (since 2020)
Cloud Platform
Advancing the state-of-the-art in reliably serving mission-critical realtime analytics. We built StarTree Cloud on top of Apache Pinot to provide user-facing analytics at a global scale.
Software Engineer, LinkedIn (2017-2020)
Data Infrastructure
Pinot/ThirdEye team working LinkedIn’s next-generation monitoring and anomaly detection platform ThirdEye. Then spent a year with the TREX experimentation platform team overhauling the offline reporting and analytics pipelines with Apache Spark.
Graduate Student (PhD), University of California Santa Barbara (2011-2016)
Department of Computer Science, MAYHEM lab and RACELab
PhD student in Computer Science at University of California, Santa Barbara. I worked on cloud infrastructure under the supervision of Prof. Rich Wolski and Prof. Chandra Krintz. Before this, I was part of the Distributed Systems Lab working under the supervision of Prof. Divyakant Agrawal and Prof. Amr El Abbadi on multi-tenant database systems.
Engineering Intern, LinkedIn (2013)
Distributed Data Systems
LinkedIn‘s Distributed Data Systems group. I developed a proof-of-concept prototype for cluster auto-scaling with Apache Helix and Apache YARN. See the LinkedIn Engineering blog for details.
Research Intern, NEC Laboratories America Cupertino (2012)
Department of Data Management
NEC Laboratories America as member of the Data Management Department working on load balancing for multi-tenant database systems.
Visiting Researcher, University of California San Diego (2010)
Department of Computer Science, Systems and Networking group
University of California San Diego as Guest Researcher working in the Systems and Networking group with Prof. Amin Vahdat on large-scale parallel data processing.
Graduate Student (Masters), Vienna University of Technology (2009-2010)
Department of Informatics, Information & Software Engineering group
Vienna University of Technology, working in the Information & Software Engineering group under the supervision of Prof. Stefan Biffl. I also worked with the (now defunct) openengsbĀ team.
Undergraduate, Vienna University of Technology (2005-2009)
Department of Informatics